File System Max Volume Size

  1. Windows NTFS
  2. Windows FAT32
  3. Windows exFAT
  4. ESXi VMFS-3
  5. ESXi VMFS-5/6
  6. Linux LVM
  7. Linux EXT2/3
  8. Linux EXT4
  9. 发表评论

Windows NTFS

Max Volume Size Windows 2000 or later the block size
16 TB 4 KB
32 TB 8 KB
64 TB 16 KB
128 TB 32 KB
256 TB 64 KB
> 256 TB Not Supported

Windows FAT32

Max Volume Size Windows 2000 or later the block size
64 MB 512 bytes
128 MB 1 KB
256 MB 2 KB
8GB 4 KB
16GB 8 KB
32GB 16 KB
>32 GB Not Supported

Windows exFAT

Max Volume Size Windows XP or later the block size
256 MB 4 KB
32 GB 32 KB
256 TB 128 KB
> 256 TB Not Supported


Max Volume Size Max VMDK size ESXi 4.1 or later the block size
64 TB 256 GB 1 MB
64 TB 512 GB 2 MB
64 TB 1 TB 4 MB
64 TB 2 TB 减 512 B 8 MB


※ 不支持大于 2 TB 的虚拟磁盘热扩展

Max Volume Size Max VMDK size ESXi 5.0 or later the block size
64 TB 裸设备映射(虚拟兼容性) 62 TB
裸设备映射(物理兼容性) 64 TB
文件大小 62 TB
1 MB

Linux LVM

For 32-bit CPUs on 2.6 kernels, the maximum LV size is 16TB.
For 64-bit CPUs on 2.6 kernels, the maximum LV size is 8EB.

Linux EXT2/3

Max Volume Size Max File size RHEL 5.6 or later the block size
2 TB 16 GB 1 KB
8 TB 256 GB 2 KB
16 TB 2 TB 4 KB
32 TB(Kernel 2.6)
16 TB(Kernel 2.4)
2 TB 8 KB

Linux EXT4

Max Volume Size 32-bit Max File size RHEL 5.6 or later the block size
4 TB 4 TB 1 KB
8 TB 8 TB 2 KB
16 TB 16 TB 4 KB
256 PB(Kernel 4.18) 256 TB(Kernel 4.18) 64 KB(Kernel 4.18)
Max Volume size 64-bit Max File size Kernel 4.18 or later the block size
16 ZB 4 TB 1 KB
32 ZB 8 TB 2 KB
64 ZB 16 TB 4 KB
1 YB 256 TB 64 KB
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